Anglický jazyk

Probírané učivo od 5. - 9.9.

Good morning

Good morning, good morning, good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning, we are glad to see you.

One, two, three

One. two, three,

I like dogs and dogs like me.

One, two, three,

I like cats and cats like me.

Slovní zásoba: I´m ... . My name is ... . What´s your name? What´s this? It´s a ... . pen, desk, book, bag, pencil, boy, girl


Probírané učivo od 12. - 21.9.

Ten little fingers

One little, two little, three little fingers, four little, five little, six little fingers. Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers, ten fingers on my hands.

Slovní zásoba: finger, doctor, teacher, draw a pen, plane, boat, bike, car, train, colours, red, orange, white, green, potato, This is ...


Probírané učivo od 26.9. - 27.9.

London´s burning

London´s burning, London´s burning, fetch the engines, fetch the engines, fire, fire, fire, fire, pour on water, pour on water.

Slovní zásoba: blue, black, yellow, brown, table, chair, window, door, house, What colour is ...? The pencil is red. -  apod.


Probírané učivo do 19.10.

Red and yellow

Red and yellow, blue and green ( 3x ), red and yellow, blue and green, black and white and brown. Orange, purple, pink and grey ( 3x ),orange, purple, pink and grey, black and white and brown.

Slovní zásoba: map, school, clock, picture, apple, banana, orange, ice - cream, drink, mountain, river, forest, flower, tree